What Your Pizza Toppings Say About Your Personality

What Your Pizza Toppings Say About Your Personality

you choose? What does it say about you if you’re drawn to sizzling pepperoni? How about the healthy appeal of a vegetarian-style pie?
The makeup of your pizza is a window into what makes you tick. It speaks to your zest for life or perhaps a preference for familiar comforts. What do the toppings you choose say about your personality?

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DIY Holiday Gift Basket with an Italian Twist

DIY Holiday Gift Basket with an Italian Twist

The holiday season is a great time to show your loved ones how much you appreciate them with some thoughtful gift-giving. One of the easiest ways to combine multiple gifts into one is with a DIY holiday gift basket, but what if your gift for a certain someone needs an Italian twist? Whether your loved one is proud of their Italian heritage or is simply a big fan of all things Italian culture and food, they’re sure to love their Italian-themed DIY holiday gift basket.

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Red Pizza vs. White Pizza: A Deep Dive into Pies

Red pizza sauces vs white pizza sauce

Ah, one of the great debates about one of America’s favorite foods: red pizza vs. white pizza! Which is better? What’s the difference? It’s a debate with few worthy rivals, except the debate between pineapple-on-pizza lovers and haters. So what’s the story with the red vs. white pizzas that are served at the best Italian restaurants across the globe?

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5 Awesome Autumn Dinner Party Ideas for Marylanders

dinner party ideas maryland

As summer comes to a close and autumn invites that slight chill to the air, there comes a sense of togetherness best exemplified by dinner plans. Whether you’re hoping to invite your family over for a quiet indoor dinner at home or you’ve been struck by a sense of adventure, having a few dinner party ideas in your pocket is essential. If you happen to be in Maryland this Fall, here are a few things you can keep in mind when figuring out what you should do for dinner.

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How to Travel to Italy Without Leaving Your House

Travel to Italy Without Leaving Home (Featured Image)

Italy is a beautiful country with amazing food, exquisite architecture, and a rich history. While many people dream of traveling to Italy, finding the time to schedule a special getaway can be a bit challenging, especially if you want to include the entire family. The good news is that you can take a trip to Italy without ever leaving your home! Don’t believe us? Here are some wonderful ways to experience all that Italy has to offer — all from the comfort of your couch!

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How to Cook Perfect Al Dente Pasta Every Time

perfect al dente pasta feature

Does mastering the perfect al dente pasta feel like a never-ending science experiment? Sure, getting the water boiling and plopping your pasta in is the easy part. It’s the timing that throws you off, right? Well, you’re not alone.
Learning how to cook it correctly can be a bit tricky as it comes down to several factors, including the type of pasta and the timing in the pot. And, there’s a big difference when it comes to cooking dry or fresh pasta.

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5 Expert Tips on Being an Authentic Italian Cook

tips for being an Italian cook feature

You know when you get that craving for Italian food. One where no other type of cuisine will suffice. Whether it’s a simple pasta dish or a big old pizza pie, there’s nothing better than a hearty, homemade Italian dish. But, have you ever wondered why it tastes so good? And, what can you do to get that authentic Italian taste at home? Check out our top tips to become an expert, authentic Italian cook at home.

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