Italian Food Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction

Italian Food Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction

America loves Italian food. From pizza to pasta to other cheesy dishes, Italian cuisine is a staple in many people’s diets. Some traditional Italian dishes have been “Americanized” over the years, though, meaning they are now more influenced by U.S. cooking traditions than they are by Italy itself. Today, there are certain misconceptions about authentic Italian cuisine in popular culture. Here’s the truth behind some of the biggest Italian food myths.

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Beyond Tomato Sauce: Alternative Pizza and Pasta Sauces to Try

Beyond Tomato Sauce: Alternative Pizza and Pasta Sauces to Try

In the world of pizza and pasta, there’s always room for a saucy twist. While the classic tomato-based sauce is a go-to, it’s not the sole contender. Tomatoes, with their diverse varieties and flavor profiles, play a leading role, but the culinary stage welcomes a variety of alternatives for these beloved Italian dishes. So, if you are looking to expand your palette and sauce knowledge, let’s dive into the alternative sauces to try.

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Red Pizza vs. White Pizza: A Deep Dive into Pies

Red pizza sauces vs white pizza sauce

Ah, one of the great debates about one of America’s favorite foods: red pizza vs. white pizza! Which is better? What’s the difference? It’s a debate with few worthy rivals, except the debate between pineapple-on-pizza lovers and haters. So what’s the story with the red vs. white pizzas that are served at the best Italian restaurants across the globe?

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5 Classic Italian Herbs (and the Best Ways to Use Them)

5 Classic Italian Herbs

It is said that variety is the spice of life, and this is never more true than when choosing Italian spices to turn a plain-Jane pot of pasta or a cheesy pizza pie into a culinary treat to delight the taste buds. Of course, selecting the right spices to enhance the flavor profile is essential. While creativity and experimentation can be fun, you might not be very pleased with the outcome if you grab the sugar instead of the salt, for example. The good news is, certain groups of herbs and spices are often tied to a region and to the dishes native to that part of the world, making it easy to work out tasty flavor combos. When it comes to herbs, there are several classics that will make your Italian dishes positively sing, and many work great for other recipes, as well. Here are the top five you’ll want to add to your spice rack.

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5 Amazing Health Benefits of Tomato Sauce

Health Benefits of Tomato Sauce

Do you know what sounds nice right now? A nice hot plate of hearty pasta. Do you know what sounds even nicer? Knowing that you’re improving your health with all that delicious tomato sauce. Tomatoes are an incredible little fruit with big health benefits that your body craves. Soon, you’ll know there’s no reason to feel guilty about eating every last bite of fresh-made pasta puttanesca. In this article, we’ll discuss some fantastic health benefits of tomato sauce.

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Why Detroit Style Pizza is Making a Comeback

Detriot Style Pizza

Pizza has a long history. The word pizza itself dates back to the tenth century, and versions of this ultimate comfort food are found throughout history. The first documented pizzeria in the United States didn’t spring up until 1905, but pizza’s popularity has only grown since. These days, there are 350 slices of pizza sold every second in the US. No matter how you slice it, Americans love pizza. Whether you’re a fan of thin crust, deep dish, a classic New York slice, or Detroit style, there is no right or wrong way to eat it.

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