What Your Pizza Toppings Say About Your Personality

There are endless quizzes out there to define your personality, so why not the pizza toppings you choose? What does it say about you if you’re drawn to sizzling pepperoni? How about the healthy appeal of a vegetarian-style pie? The makeup of your pizza is a window into what makes you tick. It speaks to your zest for life or perhaps a preference for familiar comforts. What do the toppings you choose say about your personality?

Just Cheese, Please

Don’t let anyone tell you plain cheese pizza is basic. This classic pie is everything you need in the simplest of packages. Why mess with perfection by throwing in a plethora of competing pizza toppings?

If a bubbling blanket of cheese is your jam, you’re comfortable and confident with who you are. You don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Neither do you feel the need to yuck someone else’s yum. You’re the person in your friend group who everyone comes to for advice because you’re unfailingly honest but always fair.

Mamma Mia, Margherita!

If you lean toward this combination of fresh mozzarella and basil, you like the finer things in life. You’re like old money; you don’t need to be ostentatious to let everyone know you’re the cat’s pajamas.

Even so, you’re gracious rather than snobby. You appreciate everything the world has given you and are happy to pay it forward. You’re the person your friends call for a drunk ride, not because you drive a sweet car but because you show up.

Pepperoni Perfection

What does it say about you that your favorite topping stands out among all other pizza toppings as the most popular choice, with 67% of diners opting for sizzling red circles of meaty goodness on their pies? You’re the type that goes with the flow.

You take life as it comes, and don’t try to make things overly complicated. Sure, you like a bit of adventure. However, you have the good sense not to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

Sizzling Sausage Sensation

It’s the other spicy meat! Choosing straight-up sausage from an expansive list of pizza toppings means you’re still trying to figure it all out. There are things you like, but you’re not quite ready to stop sampling the variety life has to offer.

You’re curious and not satisfied to rest on your laurels. You’ll try several new careers in your life, but you’ll do it strategically rather than haphazardly. Family and friends pay attention because you’re the trendsetter in the group.

Onions or Bell Peppers

Like the pizza toppings you prefer, you’re slightly spicy and mildly sweet. In other words, you’re unlikely to offend.

Offering a balance between bold and practical, you keep it real and know when to treat problems with a stick or a carrot. Friends appreciate your intuition, whether you’re telling them what they want to hear or dispensing a little tough love.

Magic of Mushrooms

Mushrooms stand out among other pizza toppings for umami richness and the ability to enhance other flavors. Mushrooms and pepperoni? Obviously. Mushrooms and onions? Only if you want onions to taste better than they ever have before.

Choosing this topping shows that you’re nuanced and adaptable. You can be all things to all people. As a result, everyone likes you and clamors for your time. Perhaps that’s why you disappear on solo hikes through dark forests to recharge on occasion.

Veggie Delight

You are a passionate and thoughtful individual. Maybe you’re choosing veggies for personal health reasons, the protection of the planet, or both. Regardless, you care about the well-being of others, and you take the time to understand things fully.

You’re approachable and giving, but you also stick to your principles, whether it pertains to pizza toppings or ethical conundrums. Your friends find you reliable, and they trust your opinion.

Hawaiian (So Controversial!)

This combination of pizza toppings is nothing if not contentious. However, you’re hardly a monster for wanting to have your savory ham and eat your sweet pineapple, too. You’re simply the type of person who wants the best of both worlds.

The good news is that you’re an incredibly understanding person with a laid-back attitude. If plans change, you’re not going to have a meltdown. Like the tropical locale the pizza you love is named for, you live on island time and treat everyone like family.

Buffalo Chicken Boldness

You’re a bit of an adventure-seeking person but in the best possible way. If you see buffalo chicken pizza on a menu and your eyes light up, you’re the type who’s always down to try something new, no matter how wacky, and reconsider your worldview.

Like Leonardo DaVinci, Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, and other renowned go-getters, you constantly reinvent yourself. It’s always the outliers who end up doing great things and making everyone else jealous along the way.

Try Your Favorite Pizza Toppings at Spizzicos!

In all honesty, your chosen pizza toppings probably say more about your palate than your personality. Still, there’s a glimmer of truth to the saying, “You are what you eat.”

Whether you’re an adventurous diner or you like things just so, choosing pepperoni, mushrooms, or buffalo chicken offers a glimpse into how you live your life and who you are deep down.

Are you ready to rethink your pizza preferences, or are you the type to unfailingly choose your fave with no regrets? At Spizzico Italian Kitchen, you’ll always find the perfect pie waiting to satisfy your hunger for delectable pizza.